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Updated as of February 06, 2025
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This provider directory is updated on a weekly basis, changes to the directory are
made within 30 days of notification and all provider directory information is reviewed
in full on an annual basis. VCHCP makes every attempt to validate the information
in the directory. Information in this directory is subject to change without notice.
Prior to receiving treatment, you may want to confirm that the provider is currently
participating with the Plan and is accepting new patients by calling the provider’s
office directly. You may file a complaint if you relied
upon materially inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading information contained in this directory or if you’d like
to report a discrepancy found in this directory by contacting VCHCP Member Services
by phone, (805) 981-5050 or (800) 600-8247; or by email
Need a printed copy of your provider directory? Click here for a guide to assist you in printing
a copy of providers in your area or contact VCHCP Member Services by phone, (805)
981-5050 or (800) 600-8247; or by email
Information such as name, office location/phone number, and
(when applicable) is self-reported by the provider and is validated by the Ventura
County Health Care Plan. Information such as gender, and is self-reported by the provider and is not validated
by the Ventura County Health Care Plan.
, and licensure are
. are verified with the applicable hospital. Hospital and are
NOTE: Ancillary and Specialty services may require prior authorization. Please ensure
proper authorization before seeking services.
Dialysis services are a covered benefit under your Plan AND always require prior
authorization. Contact your referring provider to ensure proper authorization.
Accessing Mental/Behavioral Health or Substance Use Services: Call OptumHealth directly
at (800) 851-7407 or visit liveandworkwell.com
The Following Notice Is Displayed Pursuant to Section 1363.02 of the California
Health and Safety Code: Some hospitals and other providers do not provide one or
more of the following services that may be covered under your Plan contract and
that you or your family member might need: family planning, contraceptive services;
including emergency contraception, sterilization, tubal ligation at the time of
labor and delivery; infertility treatments, or abortion. You should obtain more
information before you enroll. Call your prospective provider, medical group, independent
practice association, or clinic, or call the Health Plan at (805) 981-5050 or (800)
600-8247 to ensure that you can obtain the health care services that you need.
In accordance with the requirements of federal Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, all VCHCP’s medical providers
provide medical care to all of our members regardless of age, race, color, ancestry,
religious creed, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, medical condition,
or physical or mental disability status. Members needing special accommodations
due to disabilities or special needs of any kind are encouraged to contact the provider
and/or VCHCP to advise of any relevant disabilities and/or special accommodations
needed in order to ensure that any and all reasonable accommodations are made prior
to the provider appointment. Members experiencing difficulties in obtaining reasonable
accommodations from their provider(s) or who believe they were denied reasonable
accommodations are encouraged to contact VCHCP for assistance.
For Language Assistance services, call VCHCP at (805) 981-5050 or (800) 600-8247.
TDD/TTY for the hearing impaired at (800) 735-2929 to communicate in English or
(800) 855-3000 to communicate in Spanish. You may obtain language assistance services,
including oral interpretation and translated written materials, free of charge and
in a timely manner. You may obtain interpretation services free of charge in English
and the top 15 languages spoken by limited-English proficient individuals in California
as determined by the State of California Department of Health Services.
The link below provides hospital quality data for VCHCP's contracted hospitals.
Ventura County Medical Center (VCMC):
Santa Paula Hospital (VCMC):
St John’s Regional Medical Center:
St John’s Hospital Camarillo:
Adventist Health Simi Valley:
For more information about Board Certifications please go to the American Board
of Medical Specialties website at: http://www.abms.org/